Monday, August 2, 2010

Back to School

Today is the first day of school for my kids and as always, it gives me the blues. I now officially have one child each in elementary, middle and high school. The first to go today was my high-schooler. This being her junior year I only have one more year for her first day of school. It seems like just yesterday that she went to her first day of Kindergarten!
Next I dropped one off at the elementary school and watched with bittersweet emotions as my daughter went about the business of doing her morning classroom routine as if she'd been there yesterday. She loves her teacher and I'm never sure if that's a good thing or bad thing. I mean, I want my daughter to be happy of course, but I always end up feeling like the other woman. I've been replaced by a sack lunch and a fresh box of crayons!
My middle school son was the last to go and I fought back tears as he nervously pulled out his schedule and looked at the big middle school campus so different from his last year in elementary! I just want to scoop him up and fly off to never-never land where little boys never grow up!
The summer went by as fast as a popsicle melting in the desert sun. So regardless of whether you greet the new school year with tears of joy or sorrow, or a little of both, give yourself this day to sit back, enjoy a couple of cups of coffee and a good book. After all, those popsicle sticks have been stuck to the carpet for weeks. They'll still be there tomorrow!


  1. Ours go back Thursday. I have two boys. My oldest will be a senior this year and my youngest is in 7th grade. I know just how you feel about wanting to just keep them home and hold on tight. Especially with my oldest. I feel my time with him is way too short!

  2. It felt like just yesterday I was dropping them off at kindergarten, now I have a junior a 6th grader and a 3rd grader.
