Saturday, December 18, 2010

Shiloh Walker guest authors' today!

Welcome to my blog and thank you for taking time out your very busy schedule to talk with me. Beg Me was released in November, why don’t you tell us a little about it?

Um… it’s kinky. Very kinky. But it’s also a romance. The heroine had a very hot love life with her husband before he was killed in an accident. A year after his death, she was raped. Since then, she’s barely been holding it together—she exists, doesn’t really live and she’s tired of it. She decides she going to take her life and her fantasies back and she turns to the one guy she knows she can trust. What she doesn’t know is that he’s had a thing for her for years. It’s not an easy story though…it’s not one that will appeal to all readers.

Who controls the storyline, you or your characters? Generally, I start it. They take over.

What draws you to write you genre and sub genre?

I like romance…always have. As to subgenre, I don’t have any particular set one—I bounce all over the place. I just get bored easily—short attention. 

Do you work on one project at a time, or multiples?

Usually 2-3 projects at a time.

Do you set timelines when you write, or write when the feeling hits you? I don’t set timelines, but I tend to be more productive in the afternoon.

How many books have you written?

Around 60 works are completed—some are novellas, some are short stories, some are full length works.

Is there a particular thing you find challenging about writing?

All of it… LOL

What is your writing day like once you start a book?

I’m always working on a book. But afternoons are generally my writing time. Mornings are for email, website stuff, online stuff, and errands. I usually stop working around 5.

Where can your readers reach you?

Through my website… or
Now for the less serious questions. If you were a supernatural creature, what would you like to be and why?

Eh, none of them. Too many weaknesses. I like who I am, like my life…I have no desire to change it.

What are you reading now?

Nalini Singh’s Archangel’s Consort and I just finished Allison Pang’s A Brush of Darkness—it was wonderful.

I read on your blog about a Marine and his unit wishing to have letters and Christmas cards sent to them. I think that is a wonderful way to thank them for putting their lives on the line so that we can celebrate Christmas and everyday in peace. We should keep that spirit going all year round. I'm sure cards, letters and care packeages are always appreciated. Would you like to share the address with us?

Sure… it’s

1stLt Joseph Mazzara USMC
1/10, Battery B
Unit 73330
FPO AE 09510-3330

That’s the addy I received from a friend who works with an SOS unit out of Ohio. Right now, that’s about all the info I have though. I can’t help with other needs they might have, other than I know they can use baby wipes. Beyond that, I don’t know if care packages or anything are needed…sorry!

Enjoy an excerpt from Beg Me

“I want to ask you for a favor,” she said, staring at him over her wine glass.

Drake told himself he could get through this—he told himself he wasn’t about to lose it, thinking about how sexy and sweet she looked in a short, flippy little tan skirt that left too much leg bare. He told himself he wasn’t all but drooling as he thought about the breasts under her close-fitting, clingy black top. He also told himself the dinner had been delicious, but he couldn’t remember what it tasted like or what he’d even eaten twenty minutes ago. Some kind of chicken. He thought. Or maybe pork. Right?

No, he was too focused on Tania, and the fact that she was sitting three feet away from him. Too focused on the fact that his cock was throbbing like a bad tooth and had been ever since she’d let him into her apartment an hour earlier.

Her words rang in his mind. She needed help—finally, though, something real, something physical he could focus on. That would really help. Maybe her car needed a tune-up, that was easy, although why she’d felt the need to cook for him just to ask for that, he didn’t know.

“Anything.” He tipped his beer bottle back, wetting his throat. Fuck it, she looked so beautiful. She was sitting so close, he could smell the scent of the lotion she’d slicked all over her skin. Good enough to eat, and that’s just what he wanted to do, too.

She grimaced and said, “Maybe you should put the beer down. Stop drinking for a minute because I don’t want you to choke when I ask.”

“Okay.” He smirked a little and leaned forward, setting the bottle on the table. “Although I don’t know what you could ask that would surprise me that much, Tania.”

“Five years ago.”

Okay—maybe I was wrong. She can surprise me.

Drake grabbed the bottle. “I think I need the beer,” he muttered.

She smiled. “Five years ago,” she said again. “You know what I like.”

He shifted his gaze to her, all too aware of just how little distance separated them, all too aware of that short, flippy skirt, of the sweet scent of her skin…and just how acutely he remembered things from five years ago.

“Do you remember?” she asked, her voice low and quiet.

“Yes.” How could he forget that?

No Longer Mine is due out February 1, 2011, what can you tell us about it?

It’s the print release of my ebook that came out from Samhain. This is actually a re-issue, and one of my older books. It’s the first romance I’d written. Not sure what else to say… it’s a reunited lovers sort of story and people either tend to love this book or hate it… lol

Thank you for joining us today Shiloh. It's been a pleasure!


  1. Thanks for the interview. Love Shiloh's books :).

  2. Thanks for the peek into Beg me. I have to say I'm wondering what happened five years ago. :)
